IWCG is 100% MWBE Owned and Operated


Join us as we make significant progress.

World Consulting Group (IWCG) is a leading Atlanta, Georgia-based consulting firm that focuses on developing individualized strategies to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the supply chain and workforce..

"Our business is developing your business"

Our Approaches

IW Consulting Group (IWCG) utilizes project management methodology to access client needs, priorities and objectives to create customized program
designed to achieve the desired results.

Listen & Learn

We interview key client stakeholders collecting knowledge and insights to better understand priorities, objectives and expectations.


Our team of industry experts collaboration with clients stakeholders to create customized programs that encompass all of the objectives conveyed by the client.


IW Consulting Group team members are experienced supplier diversity leaders and practitioners. We create a detailed and comprehensive program playbook, and implementation plan to ensure execution of our deliverables are flawless and effectively meets the client's expectations.

Supplier Diversity & Inclusion

IW Consulting Group specializes in supplier diversity program solutions. Our team of industry experts will develop customized strategic plans to create a new initiative or enhance an existing program; both offerings are designed to maximize diverse supplier utilization and increase diversity spend.

Our supplier diversity solutions will ensure compliance with contract requirements of large corporations and governmental agencies and increase competitiveness in the RFP process for contracts with these entities.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

IW Consulting Group (IWCG) has assembled a team of industry thought leaders who are passionate about helping companies to create diverse and inclusive cultures. We believe that every employee, contractor, or consultant who contributes to the success of your company, should feel engaged and valued.

Diversity, equity, and belonging is achievable when it is fueled by committed leadership and strong and sustainable strategy. That is where we come in. Our team’s knowledge of DEI industry best practices, experience in project management, change management and communications, and data analytics will fuse together to formulate the business case, the strategic plan, equity assessments and the stakeholder engagement that is critical to your inclusive culture journey and reaching your DEI destination and sustaining those efforts.

Supplier Capability Development

Platform dedicated to Supplier Capability Development by IW Consulting Group (IWCG). Our mission is to provide suppliers with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to succeed in today’s competitive business environment. We believe in every supplier’s potential and work hard to help them realize it through targeted development initiatives.

We provide a suite of services and tools to help suppliers improve their capabilities in critical areas like quality management, operational efficiency, innovation, and sustainability. Our solutions are intended to provide suppliers with practical, actionable strategies for driving growth and profitability.

Tier ll Program Management & Outsourcing

The Tier II Program Management & Outsourcing solutions Program at IW Consulting Group (IWCG). We are here to help you manage and improve your Tier II supplier diversity programs for maximum efficiency and streamlined operations.

Our intention is to assist you in making the most of outsourcing by helping you efficiently manage your Tier II supplier base. We provide a full range of services tailored to your company’s needs, which can be integrated easily and lead to better performance from your suppliers.

Put your trust in us for all of your Tier II Program Management & Outsourcing requirements and see how our tailored solutions can propel your company forward.

Environmental, Social and Governance

We believe that responsible business practices can not only drive success, but also contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world.

We are committed to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and good corporate governance, and we strive to incorporate these principles into every aspect of our business. From ensuring environmental sustainability and advocating for social justice to promoting ethical business conduct, we are actively shaping a business environment that respects our planet, our communities, and our integrity as a whole.

Client Portfolio's